Thursday, June 25, 2009


On June 23 I found out I was moving. I was sort of happy butkind of sad to leave my
friends! i will be leaving on July 28th but if not sooner! I am wanting to do something
really fun with my friends before I leave AND before my friend Lacey leaves for 3 weeks!
i may not see her after she leaves.
But our moms said we can always have sleepovers and go over
to each others houses. Anyway,POST A COMMENT FOR WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH
P.S I am desparet for idea's!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A day at the district

Finally, like my mom promised, she took me shopping, but instead of just me and
Lacey i got to bring...
lacey, chelsea, and savannah by our selves. I would have brought my other friend
Baylee but she was in Idaho! Lucky Her. :) Anyway, it was really fun but we didn't
buy anything but Jomba Juice! But for some reason we went to Petco and found a
really cute hamperster that we name Ruby! We really wanted to buy her!
LUV kennidee

Monday, June 15, 2009


On Saturday we cleaned out my garage and found an old volleyball net, so me and a couple
of my friends decided to put it up and play a little bit, BUT, of course the rain spoiled the
fun! it was a good thing it was only for about 20 min. and then a light sprinkle, so it wasn't
that bad compared to the thunderstormS we have had this last week. Anyway, we played
a little bit after the rain but not much.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

hangin out

On June 13 me and Lacey went to the movies and saw "Up" it is a really cute movie
but really sad! Next, we planned to go shopping at the district for a while, but, that
didn't work so well. i ended up going to my cousin's house 10 min. after we started
shopping! I was really mad!
But my mom said sence she had to take me to my cousin's house, she said she would
take us Monday after school. so i guess it is okay, cause this time we will have a longer
time to shop! :)

Little Miss Tabby 2009

This is my modeling for the pagent, I was escorted by my dad.He wasn't to happy

when i told him he had to do it, but it worked! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is my dance for the pagent.

i got a 48 out of 50 from the judges. Thanks so much to my cousin kandice for helping me,

she does a GREAT job! (And she let me use her AWESOME costume)

Friday, June 12, 2009

This was a picture from the "little Miss country" pagent.The "hoe down through down"
was the opening number, These were our costumes for the dance, we all had to wear a
western type of shirt with cut off shorts. It turned out pretty cute, don't you think?
Love, Kennidee

this is another picture of me
and my cousin's at
~Little Miss country 2009~
We each had the chance to
a Talent
a Photo &
Answering a question
It was pretty fun.
P.S I have 2 cousins that won
Queen,Aspen and Taylor, they
did great! Along
with all my other cousins and contestants! :)